07850 220661 | 07813 692835 hello@britishbabybox.com
Babies left homeless by the Grenfell Tower fire will be given a safe place to sleep after British Baby Box joined the relief effort.
We were approached by charity workers at the West London scene – on the recommendation of the Lullaby Trust – who were seeking beds for a number of babies, including newborns, displaced by the devastating blaze.
We have now offered free Baby Boxes for every child under six months and are seeking donations of new baby clothes, nappies, wipes and powdered milk to include in packages to be shipped to those in need.
Like so many people around the country, we watched the nightmare of the Grenfell Tower fire unfold with dread, despair and horror in our hearts.
So we are delighted to be able to do something practical to respond to this crisis and help those who have lost everything. Our boxes will give the tiniest people affected a safe place to sleep as their families begin the long road to recovery.
We know lots of people would want to help us fill these boxes with other vital items to make this journey easier so we are offering to package any additional donations to ship with our boxes.
We need to act quickly however so no baby is overlooked.
We are urgently seeking donations to allow us to respond quickly and efficiently to the crisis.
If you would like to donate new baby clothing, nappies, baby wipes or baby milk to be included in the Baby Boxes to be sent to relief centres in West London please email us at hello@britishbabybox.com
Our boxes

Baby boxes are practical, lightweight, portable and sturdy boxes with fitted mattresses which act as a baby’s first bed and are suitable from newborn until six-months-old.
British Baby Box have been involved in a number of partnerships with other charities and organisations to reach vulnerable women and children – in the UK and abroad.
Among these was a scheme with Save The Children which allowed the charity to deliver 1,600 British Baby Boxes to the youngest children of Syria displaced or affected by the conflict there.