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We have some exciting news for you!
Today we are launching a brand new platform for parents out there who want to have their voices heard.
Mum’s the Word is British Baby Box’s community page for mums and dads.
It’s a place to post top tips, parenting confessions, shortcuts, life hacks and amusing observations.
We want you to rant and rave about the trials and tribulations of bringing up baby. We want the highlights from your journey from toddler to teenager. We want to build up a safe space for you to find like-minded mummies and daddies who are plagued by sleep deprivation too.
You don’t have to be a professional blogger to contribute – although we will have plenty of guest posts from journalists, well-known faces from Instagram and even the odd celeb.
If you have a topic we’ve not written about yet, or if you’d like to contribute to the chat, contact us on hello@britishbabybox.co.uk
Come on – get on your British Baby SoapBox!
Visit Mum’s The Word now!