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We mentioned recently that my Brother and gorgeous Sister-In-Law are expecting their first baby VERY soon and recently I organised a surprised ‘Covid Secure’ Baby Shower.  Here is what Kallie had to say…
I am American and Baby Showers are huge in the USA. I moved to England over a year ago and married Jason last August. When I found out I was pregnant I wondered if I would have a Baby Shower as these didn’t seen too common in the UK, so was really pleased when I ended up having 3!!!  A positive of Covid-19 meant that I have had several Baby Showers with different people and even had afternoon tea at The Ritz!!
Let me tell you about my Baby Shower at Sarah’s….
It was a complete surprise and we arrived thinking we were coming over for Sunday lunch. Instead, the house was decorated with blue & pink balloons and everything else you could possibly imagine!!
One particularly special gift was a Luxury Baby Box.  Filled to the brim with an adorable selection of gifts for baby, me and Jason. Here is the video of us opening it so you can see everything inside.
We also played hilarious games, including guess the size of the bump and were also told lots of interesting baby facts.  We were also blindfolded and asked to guess what baby food we were tasting… Have you ever tried baby food?? You should have seen our faces.
It was such a beautiful memorable day and proves that British Baby Box is the perfect Baby Shower gift!