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9 months on from another lockdown, we’re fairly sure some of you will have friends or family expecting a baby very soon! So we thought you might like a selection of our favourite Baby Shower games to keep everyone entertained…

Guess the food

Not great if some of your party have allergies or are prone to gagging, but still a fun one for those who are game – buy a selection of baby foods, remove the labels (just make sure someone knows which one is which) and guests can guess the ingredients/flavours.


Bib Decorating

Another great baby shower activity is getting your guests to decorate a bib for the new arrival. All you need is some plain bibs and a pack of fabric pens and you can let the creative juices flow!


Guess the baby

A little bit of pre-planning is required for this one! Ask each guest to bring a photo of themselves as a baby. Then lay them all out on the table and together you can work out who is who.


Tinkle in the potty

This one looks particularly hilarious! Guests first put an inflated balloon under their top and then put a ping pong ball between their knees. The idea is to waddle to a pot and drop the ping pong ball into it. If you’ve ever been pregnant and had to use the restroom in the middle of the night, you will completely get the idea behind this game!


Guess the birth date, gender (if unknown) and weight

Anyone into a light bit of gambling? Add a £1 stake to make it even more fun! Print off a calendar of the month or two surrounding the baby’s due date and ask people to write down their guess of the newborn’s weight, gender and birth date.


Put a nappy on while blind-folded

Ever tried to put a nappy on in the dark? This will give you some good practise! All you need is 2 dolls, 2 scarves(or other blindfold) and a pack of nappies. 3, 2, 1 GO!! Add some chocolate spread when they’re not looking or a mushed banana and the anti is upped!


And last but not least, HAVE FUN! Bringing a baby into the world can be one of THE best experiences of your life, so make sure you enjoy the journey.


All the best,

Sarah and Susan at British Baby Box