07850 220661 | 07813 692835 hello@britishbabybox.com



Recently, lots of our customers have chosen home birth’s, especially throughout the pandemic and there is always so much to think about! Let us help you with this, by providing the essential equipment you need.  We hope this helps….

Plastic sheeting to protect your floor, bed or sofa
Freshly washed old towels or sheets to cover the plastic sheeting
A couple of containers in case you’re sick during labour
A warm blanket or throw, in case you get cold
A desk light so your midwife can check the area around your vagina for tears after the birth
A baby blanket to keep your baby warm after she’s born
A jug to pass urine into afterwards
Bin liners for the midwives to tidy dirty linen and rubbish into afterwards
Snacks and drinks during labour
Clean, comfortable clothes for you and your baby, toiletries to hand and other home comforts.

As it is your home you can create whatever atmosphere you like with candles, favourite scents, music and ambient lighting. You may also want to use a birthing pool which you can hire or buy and don’t forget your Baby Box to put baby in once they are born!

