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Today is International Woman’s Day, so we wanted to tell you about Liss Phillips and why she continues to inspire us.

We met Liss through her passion for providing Baby Boxes and her relentless determination to ensure Baby Boxes are provided to expectant parents throughout Warwickshire and beyond is incredible.

Liss has also been on her own personal journey as she went into care when she was only 11. She now works at Warwickshire County Council and is an amazing Baby Box campaigner! Just recently, she spoke passionately about Baby Boxes at the Government Care Leavers Cross Ministerial Board and she is also works with Public Health England.

Here is an article which tells you a little more about Liss and why she won not one but two awards at the National Leaving Care Benchmarking Forum…


We work with Liss on a professional level and feel proud to also call Liss our friend!