07850 220661 | 07813 692835 hello@britishbabybox.com


Are you expecting a baby? Then this announcement is for you! We are excited to offer our limited-edition individual Baby Boxes – the perfect place for baby to sleep.Having a Baby Box has many benefits. It is portable so can be easily used at home or out and about and once baby doesn’t use their Baby Box anymore, it can be kept as a keepsake or toy box.

Our Baby Boxes adhere to the first ever British standard BS11130:2021 and we are supported by The Lullaby Trust.

For a limited time only, you can purchase our Baby Box and luxury mattress for only £35.00. UK Mainland deliveries are FREE, and you can also purchase additional 100% organic cotton fitted sheets for only £5 (normal RRP £10).

Don’t delay—take advantage of this very special offer while stocks last!