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We are delighted to see that the Scottish Baby Box has gone viral!!


An American labour nurse shared a TikTok showing her amazing reaction to the Scottish Baby Box and its contents. The TikTok has been viewed by over 7 million people and liked over a million times!!

So you’ve watched the TikTok, you’ve seen the fantastic contents, so let us tell you a little more about the Baby Box.

Scotland’s Baby Box is a welcome gift for every baby born in Scotland.  Not only is the box full of baby essentials from birth to 6 months, it’s also a safe and comfortable place for baby to sleep.  You can use your Baby Box to keep all your baby items in before your baby is born and as a memory box or a place to store toys once they’re too big to sleep in it.

It’s been designed so that you can add your baby’s name and birth details on the lid – and if you have a toddler or older child, they can even colour it in – a lovely way to make them feel part of things when the new baby comes along.

All you need to do is ask your midwife during your 18 to 20 week antenatal appointment, to register.  THE BABY BOX AND ITS CONTENTS ARE FREE!!

Your midwife will explain the Baby Box to you and ask if you would like one. You will then fill in a Baby Box registration card and you will also be told about delivery. You do not need to do anything else. You will receive your Baby Box between weeks 32 to 36 of your pregnancy. It’s as simple as that!

British Baby Box feels proud to be the supplier of the Scottish Baby Box and to date, over 250,000 Baby Boxes have been delivered across Scotland. We have also worked relentlessly with the British Standards Institution to develop and produce the first ever British safety standard  (BS11130:2021) for a Baby Box.

Want to find our more and how you can be involved, please contact us at hello@britishbabybox.com or visit our website www.britishbabybox.com.