07850 220661 | 07813 692835 hello@britishbabybox.com

Back in 2017, Angela Such, the previous CEO of Alternatives Watford, contacted us as she believed in Baby Boxes as much as we do.  Angela managed to secure funding to secure a small number of Baby Boxes and we have been working together ever since.

The community support Angela and her team have provided in Watford and Hemel Hempstead has been amazing and we always feel proud to talk about their achievements. We provide a brand new Baby Box, with a luxury mattress and Alternatives Watford then fill the Baby Boxes with everything a new parent needs. Most importantly, they also provide support and counselling. This support is so valuable as we believe all babies deserve the best start in life! Here is a photo of when we previously visited Watford. We spent the day helping the volunteers fill the Baby Boxes. We had such a great day.



Alternatives Watford have since provided over 400 Baby Boxes to expectant parents throughout their community and this needs to continue. With our minimum order now 250, Alternatives Watford need YOUR help.  We are reaching out to businesses around Watford who have the space to store these Baby Boxes. The order comes flat-packed, on pallets, all you need is a forklift truck for delivery.

If you can help, please contact Amelia@alternativeswatford.co.uk today. All babies deserve the best start in life!!!