07850 220661 | 07813 692835 hello@britishbabybox.com

It takes a Village

We are delighted to support the charity @_TakesaVillage_this month. Together we want to make pregnancy and childbirth safe for all mothers. Find out how you can support mums all over the world from right here in the UK: https://bit.ly/2Tt0G0R At @BritishBabyBox we...

Launching Our Very Own British Baby Box Clothing Range!!

We are absolutely delighted and proud to be launching our very own British Baby Box clothing range. Our gorgeously soft 100% organic cotton clothes are perfect for your little bundle of joy and are suitable for 0-3 months. Our embriodered silver star gives the clothes...

Want to help expectant Mums in Need…

You may already know, that here at British Baby Box, we provide Alternatives Watford with Baby Boxes that are filled full of all the essential items for the first few months of a baby’s life – such as sleep suits, vests, cardigans, bibs, blankets, towels,...

2018 Has been a Baby Box Boom…

WOW…. what a year it has been!!!Lets start with our ‘TV highlights…. We were shortlisted for Dragons Den and gave our best pitch ever!!! You’ll have to watch this space to see whether it will be televised….. It definitely was an...