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Our Blog

The Essex Baby Show

We were absolutely delighted to exhibit at The Essex Baby Show last Sunday. The show took place at Chelmsford City Racecourse, the sun shined and the location looked stunning. With over 80 exhibitors we were set for an exciting day…..We were delighted to showcase our new 100% Organic Cotton Silver Star Clothing Sets Sleepy Star, Dreamy Star and Twinkly Star all beautifully presented in a bespoke keepsake box. Our British Baby Box was also a hit – thank you to all our lovely customers it was


We are absolutely delighted to provide bespoke Baby Boxes to staff at SecuriGroup. The picture below shows Munna receiving his Baby Box filled with products for both parents and his beautiful newborn daughter, Haya. SecuriGroup is currently working on improving their range of staff benefits. They are piloting giving a ‘Baby Box’ free of charge to all the newborns to staff south of the border. This builds on an idea already implemented successfully in Finland and Scotland. It is a box the baby

Little Me of London Bespoke Baby Box Review

We recently sent Little Me of London one of our bespoke British Baby Boxes and loved Tiffany’s blog and adorable photo of her little one so much that we needed to share this again!!!’We love a new mummy business here at Little Me London, which is why we couldn’t resist the story behind the wonderful British baby Box.Started by two mummies who wanted all babies to have the best start in life, the British Baby box is a comfortable, portable and safe place for all babies to sleep. Working like a

Supporting Alternatives Watford

Recently, we had the absolute pleasure of visiting Alternatives Watford and as you can see from the picture we were kept very busy all day and felt very proud filling Baby Boxes with enthusiastic volunteers!!! Alternatives Watford offers life-changing emotional and practical support for anyone facing pregnancy related issues including free counselling for Pregnancy/Miscarriage/Postnatal Depression/Post-abortion/Stillbirth/Infertility. For further information about their services, just contact

British Baby Box teams up with The Baby Guru

Do you need help answering questions like, why isn’t my baby sleeping at night?If so, we are delighted this month to be working with Sam Saunders, aka The Baby Guru. We will be running a campaign and competition across Social media to raise awareness of The Baby Guru and also offering you a chance to win an amazing prize. The Baby Guru The go to baby expert for expectant and new mums, (including Hollywood stars!!) Over 20 years experience helping over 1000 families across the world, she is known

Support ‘It Takes A Village’ with British Baby Box

At British Baby Box we believe every mother should feel excitement, not fear when pregnant. But too many women are dying needlessly in childbirth because they do not have access to the medical care they need to give birth safely.This month we are delighted to be supporting the charity It Takes a Village. It Takes a Village is bringing together parents, organisations and healthcare professionals who want to make pregnancy and childbirth safe for every mother. Together we are providing training

It takes a Village

We are delighted to support the charity @_TakesaVillage_this month. Together we want to make pregnancy and childbirth safe for all mothers. Find out how you can support mums all over the world from right here in the UK: https://bit.ly/2Tt0G0R At @BritishBabyBox we believe every mother should feel excitement, not fear when pregnant. Click to here to check out options of how you can support mums to be around the world access vital healthcare: https://bit.ly/2Tt0G0R This month we are featuring the

Launching Our Very Own British Baby Box Clothing Range!!

We are absolutely delighted and proud to be launching our very own British Baby Box clothing range. Our gorgeously soft 100% organic cotton clothes are perfect for your little bundle of joy and are suitable for 0-3 months. Our embriodered silver star gives the clothes an extra special touch! We are launching three gorgeous sets:-Sleepy Star Gift Set – 2 x bib, 2 x beanie, 2 x mitts, 1 x large white magnetic closing keepsake box with tissue paper – £25Twinkly Star Gift Set – 1 x blanket, 1 x

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