07850 220661 | 07813 692835 hello@britishbabybox.com

Baby Box


Our Baby Box is your babies first cot providing them with the very best start in life.

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Our Baby Box is made of one piece of cardboard, ensuring it is extremely strong when fully assembled.
Our Baby Boxes are 100% recyclable.
The cardboard used in our Baby Boxes has a FSC accreditation with a Chain of Custody Certificate. This shows our continued commitment to the environment and responsible forest management.​A Chain of Custody Certificate gives the end user the comfort of knowing that the end product comes from a well-managed, sustainable forest which protects long term timber supplies as well as the environment and the people and communities that depend on the forest for their livelihood.
The ink used is water based and no toxins are used.
Our Baby Box comes with a lid which is perfect for storage!!


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